RN Salary Question

Good Morning,

For those of you paying your full-time RN's salary (versus hourly or per visit) do you have a minimum number of weekly visits for them to average to maintain the salary? If so could you share that please. Also, are all visits weighted the same (such as all worth "1") or do you weight them differently? Do you give credit for lab drops, meetings, training time/in-services?
If you pay salary do you pay hourly during the orientation period? What is your course of action when a salaried RN falls below the minimum average weekly visits? Such as do you change pay type to hourly after a quarter?? Once an RN exceeds the weekly expectation of visits do you offer a bonus per visit that exceeds the threshold?
I know these are a lot of questions regarding this pay structure and I much appreciate any feedback to some or all of my questions.

Thank you in advance,


  • For salaried nurses we expect them to see at least 10-12 oasis visits per week. On slow weeks add supervisory visits, and regular visits per week to average out to 36 hours per week. This should keep them busy and on light weeks they should get caught up on ppwk and help out with QA, intake etc. No bonus pay added for working over 40 hours per week. Each oasis visit is calculated at 3 hours of visit and documentation time. Each regular visit calculated at 1.5 hours.
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