Hi Reyhan. Here's a hint: look up the code for the condition hydrocephalus (non-congenital). That is the system chapter for which the AC code will reflect! Hydrocephalus=G91. G-codes are neuro codes. Your aftercare code is AC nervous system!
Nancy Wolverton RN, CCM, HCS-D-10 Utilization Review Specialist Kindred at Home Little Rock, Arkansas 501-508-8526 (o) 501-690-2027 (c) Nancy.Wolverton@kindred.com
Here's a hint: look up the code for the condition hydrocephalus (non-congenital). That is the system chapter for which the AC code will reflect!
Hydrocephalus=G91. G-codes are neuro codes.
Your aftercare code is AC nervous system!
Nancy Wolverton RN, CCM, HCS-D-10
Utilization Review Specialist
Kindred at Home
Little Rock, Arkansas
501-508-8526 (o)
501-690-2027 (c)