help with coding - nonunion of proximal femur

patient 3 years ago suffered a comminuted intertrochanteric and subtrochanteric fracture of the right femur. At that time he had a trochanteric nailing of the right hip He has had no follow-up with the hip since that time and has been getting around on crutches. He has had pain in his him when he ambulates. x-ray shows now a nonunion of the proximal femur with a fracture of the trochanteric nail. Patient had the metal removed and had a bipolar hemiarthroplasty of the hip.
How would this be coded?
Hospital d/c instruction has the adm diag code as fracture of femur with nonunion.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • I am looking at S72.141K and S72.21XK any thoughts? Am I heading in the right direction?
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