Lesion After Starting Radiation-Venous Ulcer-Chronic Venous Hypertension W Ulcer?
Patient admitted for Acute renal failure. Had wound care in hospital for a chronic wound to leg. Wound clinic states lesion started after radiation a year ago and was coded as S81.802A. Biopsy month ago states venous ulcer. Nurses coded as chronic venous hypertension I87.313 with ulcer. Patient does have hypertension but there is no mention of the wound (in fact H&P, prog notes do not mention the wound at all) as I87.313. Is this a given correlation? NANCY? Thanks!
Kerry Armogida
Director of Clinical Review, Stakeholder
Alternate Solutions Health Network
Office: 937-298-1111, 1159
Mobile: 513-316-5151
1251 East Dorothy Lane
Kettering, OH 45419