DM2 ketoacidosis

I have a patient who had DM2 ketoacidosis. I see that this is still not listed under "with" for E11, but it is for all others. How should this be coded. I need to use this in M1011 and M1017.


  • edited April 2017
    Coding Tips Decision Health

    Until a specific code is released for Type II diabetes with ketoacidosis, use E13.10.
  • If the patient truly has diabetes 2, E13 is incorrect. There is an excludes 1 note under E13 and both types 1 and 2 are excluded from E13.

    That being said, ketoacidosis is not common in a type 2. First thing I would do is question the diagnosis and confirm type 1 or 2.
  • I still disagree with the advice even if Decision Health has published it, based on the Excludes 1 note under code E13.

    I, personally, think E11.69 would be more appropriate.
  • I get that Vonnie, just disagree, which is what we do, isn't it? Discuss, agree, disagree, voice opinions.

    Just find it odd they would direct us to a code that very specifically excludes the condition.

    Interestingly enough, an AAPC forum has completely different coding advice. And clinically there is a lot of information about how this is most likely a diabetic who was classified incorrectly (ie not really a type 2).

    Great conversation!
  • edited April 2017
    That is correct and you would use E13.10
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